Think like an adult - create like a child

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A Home for the Arts
Stay informed about the best local art events! / Mantengase informado sobre los mejores eventos artisticos en la ciudad.
Think like an adult - create like a child
Stay informed about the best local art events! / Mantengase informado sobre los mejores eventos artisticos en la ciudad.
The mission of Pepe Belmonte's Foundation is to promote art for human development, aimed at having a more aware and familiar society with architecture, painting, sculpture, music, literature, dance, photography, art and cinema. All this from the materialization of cultural projects, developing training programs, activities, exhibitions and festivals where the visitor discovers new ways of contemplating art, twinning with other organizations and promoting new artists to the art circuit, giving them the constant continuity they deserve.
Aware that we all need tools to advance and develop, our vision is to be a reference in the itineraries of contemporary art, creating a space to form and develop artistically.
Promote from a transparent view, respect, commitment, perseverance and solidarity, with that being our signature of identity, creating bonds between those who want to join us from our proposal in pursuit of humanity.
Establishing bridges of communication with our creator, with life, with the universe or with a superior force that some of us call God, giving breaths of hope to the challenges of human existence, to make the invisible visible.
Hispanicity unites us with more than five hundred million people, sharing race, religion and language, but we know that these elements delay and emigration appears, cultural identity and literary expansion appears also. Where in their values reside learning of living from disappointment, a full, rational, free, harmonic, serenity and peaceful life.
Dr. Claude Piro’s new vision of humankind shows a sense to human existence, to life and death. Giving answers to questions such as who we are, where we come from, where we are going and redefining the concept of health.
From this perspective, the reality of the place that man occupies in the universe is disclosed, with the purpose to be conscious about it, without any religious or philosophical implication, using physics, astrophysics and biology as means of expression, being able to transform our lives and be happier.
The main objective is to beautify our community through murals, involving children and young people in the creative process, thus promoting artistic expression in public spaces.
El objetivo principal es embellecer nuestra comunidad a traves de murales, involucrando a niños y jóvenes en el proceso creativo, promoviendo así la expresión artística en espacios públicos.
The main goal of this project is to nurture the creativity and artistic appreciation of children in our community. We want to provide a nurturing environment where children can explore their artistic potential and develop artistic skills from an early age.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es nutrir la creatividad y la apreciación artística de los niños en nuestra comunidad. Queremos proporcionar un entorno enriquecedor donde los niños puedan explorar su potencial artístico y desarrollar habilidades artísticas desde una edad temprana.
Therapeutic art workshops for children have the main objective of providing a safe and supportive space where young people can explore their emotions, develop coping skills and promote their emotional and mental well-being through artistic expression. They are specifically designed to address the needs of children who may face emotional challenges, such as anxiety, stress, adjustment difficulties or trauma, and who may benefit from art therapy.
Los talleres de arte terapéutico para niños tienen como objetivo principal proporcionar un espacio seguro y de apoyo donde los más jóvenes puedan explorar sus emociones, desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento y fomentar su bienestar emocional y mental a través de la expresión artística. Están diseñados específicamente para atender a las necesidades de los niños que puedan enfrentar desafíos emocionales, como ansiedad, estrés, dificultades de adaptación o traumas, y que puedan beneficiarse de la arteterapia.
The Local Art Fair's main objective is to highlight and support local artists and artisans, providing them with a platform to display and sell their works, while encouraging art appreciation in the community.
La Feria de Arte Local tiene como objetivo principal destacar y apoyar a los artistas locales y artesanos, proporcionándoles una plataforma para exhibir y vender sus obras, al tiempo que fomenta el aprecio del arte en la comunidad.
The Classical Music Concert Series aims to enrich the cultural life of our community by featuring performances by local children's bands and providing access to the beauty and depth of classical music.
La serie de conciertos de música clásica tiene como objetivo enriquecer la vida cultural de nuestra comunidad al presentar actuaciones de bandas de música local de niños y poder así brindar acceso a la belleza y la profundidad de la música clásica
The Outdoor Classic Cinema project for children aged 8 to 99 aims to introduce young people to the world of classic cinema, encourage their appreciation of iconic cinematographic works and provide them with a unique educational and cultural experience. Film Selection: Classic films suitable for children and families will be chosen, with a focus on films that are culturally relevant and age appropriate.
El proyecto de Cine Clásico al Aire Libre para niños de 8 a 99 años tiene como objetivo introducir a los más jóvenes en el mundo del cine clásico, fomentar su apreciación por obras cinematográficas icónicas y brindarles una experiencia educativa y cultural única. Selección de Películas: Se elegirán películas clásicas adecuadas para niños y familias, con un enfoque en películas que sean culturalmente relevantes y apropiadas para la edad.
The literature program for children and adolescents aims to foster a love of reading, the development of critical thinking and literary creativity among young people, thus enriching their understanding of the world and their ability to express themselves. Age Groups: The program will be adapted to two age groups: children from 8 to 12 years old and adolescents from 13 to 18 years old, with activities and readings appropriate for each group.
El programa de literatura para niños y adolescentes tiene como objetivo fomentar el amor por la lectura, el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y la creatividad literaria entre los más jóvenes, enriqueciendo así su comprensión del mundo y su capacidad de expresión. Grupos de Edad: El programa se adaptará a dos grupos de edad: niños de 8 a 12 años y adolescentes de 13 a 18 años, con actividades y lecturas adecuadas para cada grupo.
The Children, Teens and Families Centered Art Festival aims to create a space of celebration and artistic exploration for all ages, encouraging creativity, art appreciation and family participation in cultural activities. Multigenerational Approach: The festival is designed to offer activities and shows that appeal to both children and teenagers, as well as their families, ensuring participation of all ages.
El Festival de Arte Centrado para Niños, Adolescentes y Familias tiene como objetivo crear un espacio de celebración y exploración artística para todas las edades, fomentando la creatividad, la apreciación del arte y la participación familiar en actividades culturales. Enfoque Multigeneracional: El festival está diseñado para ofrecer actividades y espectáculos que atraigan tanto a niños como a adolescentes, así como a sus familias, lo que garantiza la participación de todas las edades.
The project to create a Museum and Artistic Center aims to establish a space dedicated to art, that serves as a central headquarters to develop and promote the projects of its foundation. This space will be a meeting point for artists, the community and art lovers.
El proyecto de creación de un Museo y Centro Artístico tiene como objetivo establecer un espacio dedicado al arte, que sirva como sede central para desarrollar y promover los proyectos de su fundación. Este espacio será un punto de encuentro para artistas, la comunidad y amantes del arte.
The main objective of disseminating the New Vision of the human being is to expand knowledge about certain ideas and concepts related to human existence, life, health, inspire reflection and critical thinking, contribute to social dialogue, have more freedom when it comes to to make decisions, provide ethical guidance, preserve and transmit the identity of the human being, encourage tolerance and respect, stimulate creativity and innovation, and finally contribute to personal development.
El objetivo principal de difundir la Nueva Visión del ser humano es expandir el conocimiento sobre determinadas ideas y conceptos relacionados con la existencia humana, la vida, la salud, inspirar la reflexión y pensamiento crítico, contribuir al diálogo social, tener más libertad a la hora de tomar decisiones, proporcionar orientación ética, preservar y transmitir la identidad del ser humano, alentar la tolerancia y el respeto, estimular la creatividad y la innovación, y por ultimo contribuir al desarrollo personal.
Your generous gift will help us fund our mission to help those in need. Together, we can make a difference.
Su regalo es muy generoso y nos ayudará a obtener fondos para nuestra misión para ayudar a los más necesitados. Juntos, podemos hacer la diferencia.
Yuma High School
Network with other artists and enjoy a short presentation on upcoming show opportunities.
Yuma High School
KOFA Theater
Resident artists will share video art that they have been developing.
KOFA Theater
Yuma Art Gallery
Celebrate the opening of our new show with a night of socializing and artist talks.
Yuma Art Gallery
There are so many ways to get involved in our arts community. Drop us a line to find out about events, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers!
Hay muchas maneras de involucrarse en las artes de nuestra comunidad. Escríbenos para saber mas de nuestros eventos, oportunidades de voluntariado y recaudar fondos.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: By Appointment
Art Work
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